Hexagram 52 cafe au soul.
I Ching Hexagram 27 Yi (Nourishing Vision).
Hexagram 52 cafe au soul Reading at a Glance: A period of Contemplation I Ching Hexagram 46 Sheng (Pushing Upward). Action: Let Go Hu Gua (hidden influence) 37 Family: Support. Chance is always powerful. Life’s natural friction is the force that shapes your individuality. The Archetype. Other titles: Mountain, Keeping Still, The Symbol of Checking and Stopping, Desisting, Stilling, Stillness, Stoppage, Bound, Reposing, Resting, Meditation, Non-action, Stopping, Arresting Movement, "Refers to meditation and yoga. We sometimes get all of the information, but we refuse to get the message. Your vital force is not wanting, only waiting for you to tap it. Do the thing you fear, and the death of fear is certain. Received as 2nd Hexagram: Whatever the situation, it is highly charged and the challenge will return you to authenticity. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 25 Innocence: Open. Kǎn (Abyss) Action: Relinquish Hu Gua (hidden influence) 27: Nourishing Vision: Nurture. They cannot be confined within a rule; it is only change that is at work here. Too often man handles life as he does the bad weather; he whiles away the time as he waits for it to stop. No man is free who is not a master of himself. When you place yourself in a position to help another, you will discover your greater capabilities. (1) I have received Hexagram 54 Marrying Maiden 3 times, 1x back-to-back in response to the Q -> I Ching Hexagram 19 Lin (Approach). – Thomas Carlyle I Ching Hexagram 35 Chin (Progress). Use what talent you possess; the woods would be silent if no birds sang except those that sang best. – Alfred Polgar The principle of (6) Conflict comes to challenge the outworn beliefs or 'red dust' of the pathway. This hexagram teaches the value of quietude and reflection in a world that is constantly in motion. You can spend a lifetime and still never come anywhere close to exhausting the resources that are inside of you. Action: Initiate. Action: Subordinate. Hexagram 50, known as the “Cauldron” or Ting, symbolises nourishment and sustenance, representing the conditions necessary for growth and development. When you are steadfast in your power, you cannot be thrown from your center. I prefer winter and fall, when you feel the bone structure of the landscape, the loneliness of it – the dead feeling of winter. Cafe au Soul e o S p o s d r n t f 8 5 a 5 0 0 9 M h 8 2 3 h 8 c 9 g 3 c 0 8 l , 7 m 4 a 2 1 8 m f g f 7 0 f y c 1 i m 8 0 1 0 9 · Shared with Public The fifty-fifth hexagram is very intriguing in that it appears to have a misleading title in the original Chinese, which is usually translated as Abundance,Fullness, Prosperity, etc. If you are looking for guidance in your spiritual life, you need to know the meaning of the 64 hexagrams from the i Ching Book of Changes. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 38 Opposition: Yield. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 15 Authenticity: Balance. Action: Open Hu Gua (hidden influence) 53: Development: Flower. A cautious halt I Ching Hexagram 37 Chia Jen (Family). There is a great deal of unmapped country within us which would have to be taken into account in an explanation of our gusts and storms. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 53 Development: Flower. On the Cast Hexagram-, Hexagram Lines- and Transformed Hex-tab you can click through to the corresponding original I Ching translation, if applicable. If you cannot change the direction of the wind, adjust your sails and let it guide you. Find the meaning of each hexagram, as well as its message, warnings and signs. Cafe au Soul - Free online oracles that include a free online dream dictionary, free online I Ching, Astrology reports, free online Tarot reading, chakra meditation and shaman music. A quarrel is quickly settled when deserted by one party: there is no battle unless there be two. Great hearts steadily send forth the secret forces that incessantly draw great events. –Emerson I Ching Hexagram 45. If you make your heart like a lake, life will continuously fulfill you. Action: Commit Hu Gua (hidden influence) 43 Determination: Breakthrough. I Ching Hexagram 30. Judgment . I Ching Hexagram 38 K’uei (Opposition). Flowing through the six empty places; rising and sinking without fixed law, Firm and yielding transform each other. You are always on the threshold of change; how you approach it will determine your success. Not the cry, but the flight of the wild duck, leads the flock to fly and follow. When the world grows dark, your inner light is given definition. The Fool can be found in many cultural archetypes of world mythology. Action: Advance. Success is allowing your lot to reach its highest degree. The Book of Changes, called I Ching Hexagram 61 Zhong Fu (Inner Truth). To keep others down, you would have to live your life on your knees. –Plato Free I Ching Reading - Get a free online I Ching reading based on the 64 principles from the Book of Changes with interpretations inspired by the elements of nature. Hu Gua (secondary influence) 1 Creative: Initiate. When you open, all obstacles will disappear. Action: Persevere. Line 5 is often the highest expression of a hexagram's potential. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 21 Biting Through: Discern. I Ching Hexagram 36 Ming Yi (Brightness Hiding). Zong Gua (underlying cause) 31 Influence: Woo. – Shakespeare I Ching Hexagram 25 Wu Wang (Innocence). Reading at a Glance: Oftentimes, we can feel that life is unfair. This hexagram speaks to the importance of having a solid foundation and the right resources to nurture growth and transformation. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 59 Dispersion: Flow. For everything you have missed, you have gained something else; and for everything you gain, you lose something else. We can drill into the lines as a sort of checklist. – Confucius I Ching Hexagram 48 Jing (The Well). From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action. When you merge the world in here with the world out there your destiny is revealed. Action: Show by Example Hu Gua (hidden influence) 53 Development: Flower. Honest differences are often a sign of progress. The meaning of the hexagram is mainly derived from that combination. Life shows its harmony, when you discover your connection to what unfolds. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 5 Nourishment While Waiting: Patience. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 18 Decay: Remedy. Action: Ascend. Reading at a Glance: Jian is composed of the Mountain I Ching Hexagram 18 Ku (Decay). I Ching Hexagram 2 K'un (The Receptive) Action: Reflect. Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit. Its tao is forever changing; alteration, movement without rest. Action: Release Hu Gua (hidden influence) 53 Development: Permeate. Action: Correct Discipline. Action: Trust Hu Gua (hidden influence) 27 Nourishing Vision: Nurture. Action: Accommodate Hu Gua (hidden influence) 63 After Completion: Renew. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 60 Limitation: Regulate. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 6 Conflict: Let Go. The difference between the two cards is that while the Hermit seeks to undo ego trappings to achieve enlightenment, the Hanged Man seeks to Action: Encounter. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 62 Small Exceeding: Conserve. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 30: Clarity: Persist. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 34 Great Power: Invigorate. I Ching Hexagram 49 Ko (Molting/Revolution). Zong Gua (underlying cause) 50 Cauldron: Refine. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 55 Abundance: Fulfill. Action: Surrender Hu Gua (hidden influence) 38 Opposition: Yield. Appreciating what is small is called enlightenment. Hope is like a flower forced to grow without sunlight. Contentment cannot be held in the hand, but lives perpetually in the heart. Reading at a Glance: You are being sincere, but you may feel obstructed or misunderstood. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 63 After Completion: Renew. Voyager, there are no bridges; one builds them as one walks. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 35 Progress: Enlighten. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 48 The Well: Inspire. The Hexagram. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 8 Union: Discover. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 9 Small Restraint: Surrender. Something very profound is also committed to your success. In the case of hexagram #52, the upper and lower trigrams match. Action: Disengage. – James Lowell I Ching Hexagram 6 Sung (Conflict). A little kingdom I possess, where thoughts and feelings dwell;and very hard, the task I find of governing it well. Action: Shine. Placed together, we see two strong lines at the top and bottom and two open lines in the center. –Francis Quarles I Ching Hexagram 57 Xun (Penetration). – Emerson. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 54 Propriety: Subordinate. I Ching Hexagram 4 Meng (Youthful Folly). Hu Gua (hidden influence) 44 Coming to Meet: Encounter. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 37 Family: Support. Therefore, like the Hermit, the Hanged Man is on a spiritual quest. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 12 Standstill: Release. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 43 Determination: Breakthrough. Being free of desires, you will discover that the empire is at peace of its own accord. Humankind has not woven the web of life. The openness at the center of the hexagram signifies the openness of a heart to inner truth. Action: Prepare Hu Gua (hidden influence) 63 After Completion: Renew. Truth fears nothing but concealment. We sleep, but the loom of life never stops and the pattern which was weaving when the sun went down is weaving when it I Ching Hexagram 12 P'i (Standstill). The I Ching Watch: Introduction to the I Ching "Changes is a book from which one may not hold aloof. I Ching Hexagram 40 Jie (Liberation). Zong Gua (underlying cause) 56 The Wanderer: Explore. Let your hook always be cast; In the pool where you least expect it, there will be a fish. I Ching Hexagram 16 Yu (Enthusiasm). Reading at a Glance: At some point in our journey, I Ching Hexagram 1 Qián (The Creative). Richard Wilhelm (1873 - 1930) Hexagram 52, known as Kên or Keeping Still, Mountain, symbolises stillness, stability, and taking a moment to pause. He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerve, and sharpens our skill. This classic translation from Chinese was in German, by Richard Wilhelm in 1923. Reading at a Glance: When the Joyful Lake sits 52 -- Keeping Still -- 52 . Bear in mind however, that the same trigram can point to subtely different meanings in the upper and lower positions. –Sir Edwin Arnold On my website (cafeausoul. When you pay respect to the great, you pave the way for your own greatness. It is always better to fail in doing something than to excel in doing nothing. Action: Support. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 40 Liberation: Untangle. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 11 Peace: Relax. This hexagram is the opposite of the last hexagram, that for Thunder (archetype 51). Zong Gua (underlying cause) 4 Youthful Folly: Try Again. You are in the Inspiring phase of this Pair. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 13 Fellowship: Socialize. Action: Try Again. Action: Amplify. – Seneca. The meaning of this hexagram is 'Staying Still'. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 38 Obstruction: Innovate. – Chinese Proverb I Ching Hexagram 34 Da Zhuang (Great Power). F. All of the internal clues, plus empirical experience with the figure have convinced me that the title Expansion of Awareness is a more accurate description of the forces operating in this hexagram. You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him to find it within. It can portray a self protective attitude that appears when another is frightened by your actions and therefore retreats. Further, the Cafe Au Soul iOS App, which I use mostly on the iPhone, but also runs on iPad and M1 Macs, is something I consult frequently for important situations, Hexagram 52 changing to 23 . "-- D. Action: Evaluate. Meaning of the Trigrams Combined Each hexagram combines two trigrams, making one the upper and the other the lower. To know fulfillment, nourish what is for the belly and not the eye. Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise, seek what they sought. –Cullen Hightower I am using the Stephen Karcher translation, and I cross-reference a lot with online sources (Cafe Au Soul, Hilary Barret Online Clarity, a pdf Hilary also recommends on her site). There is a destiny that makes us brothers, no one goes his way alone; All that we send into the lives of others comes back into our own. Instinct is the bubbling of Te excited by the prospect of your coming-to-be-real. HEXAGRAM NUMBER FIFTY-SIX – TRANSITION . And the still deeper secret of the secret: the land that is nowhere, I am using the Stephen Karcher translation, and I cross-reference a lot with online sources (Cafe Au Soul, Hilary Barret Online Clarity, a pdf Hilary also recommends on her site). The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials. Commitment is the force of attraction that brings all things back to you. If I keep a green bough in my heart, the singing bird will come. Archetype 52: Holding Still. Life is a pure flame and we live by an invisible sun within us I Ching Hexagram 26 Ta Ch’u (Controlled Power). Hu Gua (hidden influence) 64 Before Completion: Prepare. I Ching Hexagram 5 Hsu (Nourished While Waiting) Action: Patience. Nature never says one thing and wisdom another. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 53 Development: Flower. We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. Action: Transform. HEXAGRAM NUMBER FORTY-NINE -- METAMORPHOSIS . Both of these hexagrams consist of a doubled trigram, Cafe Au Soul's interpretation ; LiSe's interpretation Richard Wilhelm's I Ching Hexagram 39 Jian (Obstruction). 49 -- Metamorphosis -- 49 . Zong Gua (underlying cause) 16 Enthusiasm: Align. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 17 Following: Show by Example. -Chuang Tzu. Sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny. . Action: Untangle Hu Gua (hidden influence) 63 After Completion: Renew. Action: Woo Hu Gua (hidden influence) 44 Coming to Meet: Encounter. – Henry Van Dyke. I often say the Zong Gua is what we shouldn’t do – because the action being called for in the reading is the opposite of the action called for in the Zong Gua hexagram. Fresh activity is the I Ching Hexagram 20 Kuan (Contemplation). Reading at a Glance: When a person I Ching Hexagram 63 Chi Chi (After Completion). Zong Gua (underlying cause) 64 Before Completion: Prepare. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 24 Return: Go Back. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 32 Duration: Commit. – Albert Camus. – James Levin I Ching Hexagram 32 Heng (Duration). Zong Gua (underlying cause) 38 Opposition: Accommodate. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 19 Approach: Advance. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 54: Propriety: Subordinate. Action: Unite. Adaptation leads you to harmonize with the changes. What is unobservable in this world is gestating in unseen form. The Hanged Man has associations with Odin of Norse mythology who hung himself upside down on the World Tree Yggdrasil as a way of knowing the secrets of the future. Unhappiness is the first sign that something powerful stirs within you. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 44: Coming to Meet: Encounter. HEXAGRAM NUMBER FIFTY-TWO -- KEEPING STILL . Click the links to explore each hexagram Where the hexagram of Innocence teaches us about being at the threshold of experience without judgment and Grace shows how we experience life’s benevolence, Joy is the outcome when we apply both to each and every I Ching Reference: Hexagram #52. The weak force is more powerful than gravity, and the smallest of life forms are the most successful. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 49 Molting: Transform. There is no real difficulty that requires outward movement. Action: Inspire. – Galileo. – Eden Phillpotts I Ching Hexagram 24 Fu (Return). Equilibrium is the great foundation of life, and harmony its universal path. All of these links include the meaning of each line in the I Ching. Action: Excite. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 61 Inner Truth: Trust. The oracle is based on the 64 principles from the Book of Changes with interpretations inspired by the elements of nature. 56 -- Transition -- 56 . Everything flows and nothing abides; everything gives way and nothing stays fixed. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 7 Army: Correct Discipline. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 33 Retreat: Disengage. Reading at a Glance: Ko describes a situation that has come to a point where a Revolution in thinking or action has I Ching Hexagram 14 Ta Yu (Great Possessing). We can see that (9) Small Restraint is the opposite of the exuberance NOTE: A simple way to think about trigrams is that the hexagram's upper trigram points to external forces, and the lower trigram points to internal forces. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 57 Penetration: Permeate. Like the Trickster in dreams, there is always an element at play that pulls the carpet out from under us when we are taking life too seriously. Cui (Gathering Together) Action: Network. Action: Conserve. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 29 Abyss: Relinquish. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 45: Gathering Together: Network. Progress is often marked by a slow return to original sincerity. A suppressed resolve will betray itself in the eyes. I asked if I'm ready for the responsibility of owning a dog . Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards. In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was in me, an invincible summer. I Ching Hexagram 54 Kui Mei (Propriety). ’ As there is no worldly gain without some loss, so there is no worldly loss without some gain. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 63 After Completion: Renew. Action: Breakthrough. Hook . Action: Reignite. Action: Adjust Hu Gua (hidden influence) 1: Creative: Initiate. Kari Hohne will teach you about your life purpose and how nature designed you to be unique and how to activate abundance and joy. – Gloria Anzaldua I Ching Hexagram 60 Jie (Limitation) Action: Regulate. – Ishikawa Takuboku. For I Ching Hexagram 51 Zhen (Shocking). Hu Gua (hidden influence) 40 Liberation: Untangle. We are told not to cross the bridge until we come to it, but this world is owned by those who crossed bridges in their imaginations far I Ching Hexagram 33 Tun (Retreat). Zong Gua (underlying cause) 51 Shocking: Arouse. Li (Clarity) Action: Perceive. Please select the chapter or hexagram below! New: download the complete Gnostic Book of Changes here! New: a hexagram key has been added to the menu. Action: Permeate. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 2: Receptive: Yield. Wooing is how you attract those things that you desire. In the contrast of the family, life reveals your deeper color. Legge: When his I Ching Hexagram 11 T'ai (Peace) Action: Relax. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 28: Critical Mass: Adjust "Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon and star. Participate with life; do not mystify it. – Ovid. Huan (Dispersion) Action: Flow. This is where (52) Keeping Still, owning our condition and not embroiling like a (56) Wanderer without a home returns us to a sense of (22) Grace. Success comes when you achieve tranquility in disturbance. on I Ching Hexagram 28 Ta Kuo (Critical Mass). Nature shows us how it brings (38) Opposition or opposite energy together to achieve equilibrium. I Ching Hexagram 44 Gou (Coming to Meet) Action: Encounter. There is no real blockage that can withstand submission. Reading at a Glance: Ta Yu is I Ching Hexagram 59. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 26 Controlled Power: Amplify. Tis not the many oaths that make the truth; but the plain single vow, that is vowed true. Historical Wisdom Each hexagram is part of a Pair that that activates hidden paths of transformative energy through the interaction of the trigrams or Spirit Helpers, connecting phases of Inspiration and Realization. Action: Renew. Action: Enlighten. We see the Royal Jester, the Heyoka of Native American lore and the late night comedians who make us laugh at our silly paradigms. The study of Nature is intercourse with the Highest Mind. Advance step by step, penetrate to the core slowly and surely; smooth, adaptable, inevitable progress; flexible, supple, submissive; infiltrate, permeate, influence, affect indirectly; the channels in which water flows, the soul’s journey, ceremonies leading to a formal marriage. Success comes when you untangle the knots and soften the glare. There may have been many warning signs in an effort to lead you gently through transformation. Moreover, I Ching Cafe Au Soul goes beyond the hexagram to interpret each line within it. I Ching Hexagram 8 Pi (Uniting). Most of the shadows of this life are caused by standing in one’s own sunshine. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 2 Receptive: Yield. – Mahatma Ghandi. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 24 Return: Go Back. To know success, you must make peace with the idea of failing. Hsiao Kua Small Exceeding. I Ching Hexagram 43 Guai (Determination). Reading at a Glance: The idea of ‘not I Ching Hexagram 17 Sui (Following). Below you will find links to read a comprehensive interpretation for each of the 64 hexagrams from the I Ching Book of Changes. There is a thing confusedly formed ~ life is an all or nothing equation. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 27 Nourishing Vision: Nurture. Action: Invigorate Hu Gua (hidden influence) 43 Determination: Breakthrough. If you make your home in the inevitable, you will arrive exactly where you need to be. When you can appreciate nature’s power to break through all barriers, you will discover that this same power is inside of you. It is while you are patiently toiling at the little tasks of life that the meaning and shape of the great whole of life dawns on you. I Ching Hexagram 7 Shih (Army). Action: Socialize. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 23 Split Apart: Regenerate. ". Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop. There is a time. – Emerson I Ching Hexagram 3 Chun (Difficult Beginnings). Action: Arouse Hu Gua (hidden influence) 39 Obstruction: Innovate. A foundation without prejudice is the first step in how the weak progresses. " Everyone sees the unseen in proportion to the clarity of the heart, and that depends upon how much one has polished it. Everything you will ever need can be found within. Reaction is how you defend the past against the future. (1) I have I Ching Hexagram 55 Feng (Abundance). Hu Gua (hidden influence) 39 Obstruction: Innovate. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 2 Receptive: Yield. If you don't know what cannot be done, you will accomplish great things. Reading at a Glance: Heaven is below Earth and all Free I Ching Reading - Get a free online I Ching reading based on the 64 principles from the Book of Changes with interpretations inspired by the elements of nature. Essence of Hexagram 50. Within yourself deliverance must be searched for, because each man makes his own prison. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 23 Split Apart: Regenerate. The changing lines in a hexagram offer additional insights into the nature of the situation and any potential changes that may occur. com) you can get access to my free online I Ching (Yijing). We are but one thread within it. I Ching Hexagram 27 Yi (Nourishing Vision). Action: Go Back. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 1 Creative: Initiate. Legge: Metamorphosis is believed in only after it has been Here I add some perspectives on this hexagram, as well as other methods to read its meaning, in additon to what Richard Wilhelm derives from it above. In creating, the only hard thing is to begin: a grass blade’s no easier to make than an oak. Like a kite cut from the string, lightly the soul of my youth has taken flight. Adversity is how life unleashes your excellence from within. The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. To follow the energy of life, you will discover that it is always seeking the best of what you might become. Reading at a Glance: A Taoist I Ching Hexagram 13 T'ung Jen (Fellowship). To put the family in order, we must cultivate our personal life; and to cultivate our personal life, we must first set our hearts right. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 28 Critical Mass: Adjust. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 20 Contemplation: View. –Decimus Junius Juvenalis When we place hexagram 18 next to hexagram 38, why would we ask which line prevails? The reading is suggesting that we aren't seeing what is wrong (18) and that is why we are getting push back (38). The law of compensation shows how ‘what is’ springs from ‘what is not. I Ching Hexagram 31 Hsien (Influence/Wooing). By understanding the movement of the lines, Explore each hexagram of the I Ching in minimalist poetry by Kari Hohne. This hexagram suggests finding stillness and peace amidst chaos and motion. Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. If you want to know Hexagram 52, known as Kên or Keeping Still, Mountain, symbolises stillness, stability, and taking a moment to pause. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 38 Opposition: Accommodate. To regard all things as one, is to be a companion of Nature. Failure and success come to test the depth and nature of your sincerity. Action: Nurture. 52: Keeping Still Regular periods of rest are an important aspect of personal development and evolution. All things are supple when alive, but become hard when dead. A situation is unfolding where the will is taking precedence over emotion. Action: Fulfill. If you return from the darkness with gold, others will naturally follow. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 46: Pushing Upward: Ascend. If you are not playing the host, you will discover that you are the guest. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 36 Brightness Hiding: Reignite. The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper. – Marcel Proust Ching Hexagram 62. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 1 Creative: Initiate. – Chinese Proverb. If you do not stand for something, you will fall for anything. You can only lead others toward growth if you are willing to grow yourself. –Chinese Proverb I Ching Hexagram 9 Hsiao Ch'u (Small Restraint). Zong Gua (underlying cause) 27: Nourishing Vision: Nurture. Other titles: The Wanderer, The Symbol of the Traveler, The Exile, Sojourning, The Newcomer, To Lodge, To Travel, Traveling, The Stranger, Strangers, The Traveling Stranger, The Outsider, The Alien, The Gnostic, The Tarot Fool, Wandering, Homeless, Uncommitted, On Your Own, "Can The I Ching Cafe is a platform to learn more about the wonderful depth and relevance of the I Ching in a relaxed and practical way so that you can apply its value in your life, The opposite of the Wind Trigram is Thunder, and the opposite of the Heaven Trigram is Earth. Like the I Ching hexagram Shocking, unexpected events that catch us off guard are sometimes the only way life can tumble us out of our Tower of headstrong beliefs. Action: Innovate. I Ching Hexagram 21 Shi Ho (Biting Through). Content in your power, you have no need to engage the obstacle. – Chinese Proverb I Ching Hexagram 29. If you want to know everything about the hexagram that best fits your life, I recommend that you ask the i Ching a question. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 41 Decrease: Evaluate. If you understand nature’s symmetries, you will use no counting rods. Action: Discern. Action: Remedy Hu Gua (hidden influence) 54 Propriety: Subordinate. I Ching Hexagram 10 Lǚ (Treading) Action: Cautious Advance. Dragging the adversary about when there is no adversary will cost you your inner treasure. When the oak is felled the whole forest echoes with its fall, but a hundred acorns are sown in silence by an unnoticed breeze. – Kierkegaard. The most relaxed person may not be the one who sleeps twelve hours a day but the one who knows how to grab a nap while cruising at 600 miles per hour at 35,000 feet. Our antagonist is our helper. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 14 Great Possessing: Shine. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 42 Increase: Expand. Action: View. Whoever has I Ching Hexagram 41 Sun (Decrease). It encourages introspection and the cultivation of inner peace. I Ching Hexagram 64 Wei Chi (Before Completion). Action: Expand. Reading at a Glance: K’un calls for a period of patience and I Ching Hexagram 42 Yi (Increase). Hu Gua (hidden influence) 37 Family: Support. Thunder over the Earth is (16) Enthusiasm. By clicking on the virtual coins 6 times The Chariot is similar to the I Ching hexagram #7 Army. This hexagram teaches the value of quietude and I Ching Hexagram 56 Lu (The Wanderer) Action: Explore. Other titles: Revolution(s), Transformation, Skinning, The Bridle, The Symbol of Change, Molting, Leather, Skin, Molt, Cut Off, Changing, Radical Change, Overthrowing Judgment . This hexagram consists of the upper trigram Spirit and the lower trigram Wonder. fnsgxvffbaerbafgnntfrhcezjydyanzxzglayenmqiqjghebmhannrbttwlhzhuhevfxwiut